Nature on the doorstep is always a real treat, and you can never predict what might show up. Furthermore, throughout the changing seasons we can expect a veritable kaleidoscope of records, some ...
The play's impassioned account of a young's man's preventable death and a mother's fight for justice cannot fail to move ...
In 2013 Sara Ryan’s nightmare became a reality. Her 18-year-old son Connor Sparrowhawk, nicknamed “Laughing Boy”, who had ...
On the morning of the press show of Laughing Boy, the BBC news website’s top story was about the abuse of children with ...
Janie Dee’s shattering central performance holds together this hard hitting, soft-hearted polemic at the Jermyn Street ...
The “laughing boy” in writer and director Stephen Unwin’s sobering new play is the real-life Connor Sparrowhawk, an autistic teenager with learning difficulties from Oxford who drowned in a bath aged ...
Bringing together some 75 artist’s films from all over the world, this year’s Alchemy festival transported audiences in both time and space, writes Susan Mansfield ...
When Connor dies whilst in the care of the NHS, his mum, Sara, wants answers. A young boy with learning disabilities can’t be failed like this by the system that should be in place to protect him. Her ...
The black grouse is one of the fastest declining birds in the UK and have moved further north due to climate change.
The Perfect home for first home buyer or Investors! Kunal Singh with Ray White Tarneit exclusively presents you 6 Sparrowhawk Crescent in Deanside in the highly popular Deanside Springs Estate..
Other species known to visit the site, which is part of the UK Defence Training Estate, includes osprey, sparrowhawk, Eurasian curlew, whinchat, grasshopper warbler and peregrine falcon ...