Speciesism' is the idea that being human is a good enough reason for human animals to have greater moral rights than non-human animals. ...a prejudice or bias in favour of the interests of members ...
People who think seriously about the use and abuse of nonhuman creatures often end up calling for changes that might seem ...
On December 3, 2019, the Pacific island state of Vanuatu made an audacious proposal: Make ecocide—the destruction of ...
"Speciesism" is as arbitrarily unjust as racism or sexism. The right to be treated with respect rests, rather, on a creature's being a "subject of a life," with certain experiences, preferences, and ...
But one specter we can’t seem to shake is that of speciesism – the assumption that humans are superior to all other animals and thus are singularly entitled to moral consideration. Progressive ...
Animals suffer worldwide, largely due to human overpopulation. Human dominance has led to the destruction of many animal habitats. Industrial farming, aimed at feeding more people, exacerbates animal ...
Peter Singer is a moral philosopher, who popularised the term speciesism. Speciesism is the idea that humans have greater moral rights than other living beings, based simply on the fact that they ...
The death of a jogger in the Italian Alps has sparked a furious debate about the relationship between humans and nature ...
In English, the name of planet Earth derives from a Germanic word— Erde—which means “ground.” We tend to think of the ground ...
This is certainly the case in anti-speciesism work beginning in late-18th and early 19th-century Britain and Europe. Advocacy on behalf of other animals was stealthily adopted by women who played on ...
Femi Amin is the Animal Welfare Party candidate for London mayor, who came to the UK as a Afghan refugee when she was ...
A total of 13 candidates will stand for the office of Mayor of London for the next four years. | ITV News London ...