Few botanical species in nature represent durability and grace like fern plants. These ancient flora, with their delic ...
A unique and significant fossil bed, believed to be unprecedented in South Africa and potentially the entire world, has been ...
In her photo, titled “Martian landscape,” the mold’s spore-containing sporangia sprout from the leaf’s bumpy surface, which could indeed be easily mistaken for a landscape on another planet.
Characteristic structures for species identification are sporangiospores, which can be either produced in sporangia (multispored), in sporangiola (typically single spored or few spored ...
She was so relieved to learn they were not bugs but actually sporangia (which hold hundreds of dust-like fern spores), and that they are completely natural and harmless. She laughed and said her new ...
When the weather is wet and temperatures are around the 60’s, microscopic containers called sporangia in the infected leaves ...