Ambassador Gilad Erdan says the move is against the United Nations charter and called on the US to defund the UN. (Credit: ...
This is clearly ambitious, and there is no guarantee that a Gaza-first approach will work. Any decision about Gaza-first must ...
But the reality is that a move to recognise Palestinian statehood at this time will only make it harder to get there because ...
The action provides the legal basis for a president — a future President Donald Trump, say, — to finally end all US funding ...
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is expected to upgrade the Palestinian status at the UN, granting it almost all ...
Minnesota's Statehood Day is this Saturday. It's the day the state will officially have a new flag and emblem.
The UN General Assembly may vote on recognizing Palestinians as full members, likely gaining approval despite concerns, ...
D.C. Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton proposes "D.C. Statehood Day" to highlight the need for statehood and full self-government.
Recently, some moves have also been made towards granting Palestine full membership to the United Nations, and thus recognising its statehood at the UN level. In mid-April, a resolution was put ...