With roots in ancient Chinese medicine, gua sha is a healing practice that involves scraping the skin. Gua sha has several ...
The all too common use of tumor cells (regardless of origin) growing in culture (alone or with other cells) or in the subcutis (ectopic implantation) as a model for advanced or metastatic disease ...
Consider this your essential guide to the time-honored Chinese medicine practice Gua sha—the unassuming, more precise cousin of Jade rolling—is having a moment. Scroll through any social media ...
An antigen-presenting cell, such as a Langerhans cell in the subcutis, processes and presents the peptide on its surface through the HLA class I molecules, thus activating a naive CD8 + T lymphocyte.
On microscopic examination, the deep dermis and subcutis were focally and markedly expanded by a neoplastic mass overlying the tarsus (Fig. 3a). The mass was composed of sheets of neoplastic round ...