The development of the cerebral cortex largely depends on the stem cells responsible for generating neurons, known as radial ...
It uses water to "clean out the area around the gum line of the tooth,” adds Dr. Erin Lobo-Marwah, group practice leader at the UCLA School of Dentistry, That area, the gum sulcus, acts like ...
In a video posted on April 6, a little boy proves he's one of the best brothers ever when he gives his sister a truly ...
The benefit in functional outcome is a welcome finding for these deadly strokes but was restricted to a select patient ...
A cystocele due to disruption of the vaginal attachments to the arcus tendineus, called a "lateral defect cystocele," can be seen on physical exam as a loss of the superior lateral vaginal sulcus ...
We can almost decipher a four-chambered structure divided by a central sulcus and atrioventricular groove, and associated with emanating left- and right-sided great vessels. The many such figures ...
This finding represents a significant step towards a greater knowledge of the process of generating neurons, known as ...
they talk about others’ thoughts and feelings and activate an area of the brain associated with social processing and empathy (the posterior superior temporal sulcus),” Dr. Sarah Gerson ...
Trials of surgical evacuation of supratentorial intracerebral hemorrhages have generally shown no functional benefit. Whether early minimally invasive surgical removal would result in better ...
Cibaster and Offaster differ primarily by possessing a marginal fasciole and a better developed anterior sulcus. Crassiholaster has a much thicker test, smaller, more anterior peristome opening into a ...
If the patient cannot tell the physician, the effect of provocative tests (translation anterior, inferior, posterior or apprehension test, sulcus sign, jerk test) will help determine the direction. We ...