New research has discovered that lemurs, the small primates native to Madagascar, are capable of exaggerating their size thanks to the unique structure of their larynx.
To understand this link, researchers have studied the formation of neurons in regions that will undoubtedly give rise to a gyrus and a sulcus in the ferret brain, while, by using public databases ...
The scientists observed that the intraparietal sulcus, a region of the brain located in the parietal lobe, plays a fundamental role in the concentration process. “You can think about the ...
Participants with CAA did not differ from NC on any cortical ROIs (anterior cingulate cortex gyrus and sulcus, middle-anterior cingulate cortex gyrus and sulcus, cuneus, lingual gyrus, subcollosal ...
PA: The PA scale scores the degree of atrophy from 0 to 3 in the posterior cingulate sulcus, precuneus, parieto-occipital sulcus and parietal cortex. The scores were as follows: grade 0, no cortical ...