The HBO drama “Six Feet Under” is renowned for presenting a wide array of fatalities, spanning from the darkly comedic to the ...
Tedium is of the essence, since the all-but-conscious design of the program is to project vacuous dithering (“And now, for another view of Hitler . . . ”) into the mind of the viewer, until he is ...
The federal government owes everyone an apology for the botched rollout of its new Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
If you like taking things apart and seeing how they work, there’s an interesting tension at the heart of 'Everybody’s Got a ...
“Blank Space” was a huge hit and the album’s most compelling track, an electro-pop anthem with state-of-the-art production ...
Fabric must be cut before it can be turned into something else, and [fiercekittenz] shows how a laser cutter can hit all the right bases to save a lot of time on the process. She demonstrates ...
For [Turbo Conquering Mega Eagle], the question was simple: Do I spend 20 minutes slaving away in front of a bandsaw to cut a bunch of short brass rods into even shorter pieces of brass rod? Or ...
In chemistry, AI can help relieve the tedium of iterative calculations or parse complex datasets. As AI algorithms become more sophisticated and more central to our lives both in and out of the ...
Fallout 4 is an RPG at its roots, so grinding your way to a higher level can be a slow process. Here are a few ways to ...
What a bore-scht. Peter Morgan’s new play “Patriots,” about how Russian oligarchs catastrophically enabled the rise of ...
The university should let Asna Tabassum speak at its graduation ceremony. It shouldn't have caved to pressure from those ...
I have a habit of trying to rush through games, so Dragon's Dogma 2 was a nice reminder that taking it slow isn't the end of ...