Cell division, the basic means by which genetic information is passed from generation to generation, involves tightly coordinated movements of a cell's DNA. This page describes the major phases of ...
Like mitosis, meiosis also has distinct stages called prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. A key difference, however, is that during meiosis, each of these phases occurs twice — once ...
As in telophase I, the cytoplasm of the cell will be concentrated in one of the two emerging cells. The resulting large cell will become an egg cell. The smaller cell will degenerate.
Telophase New membranes form around the chromosomes at each end of the cell. Cytokinesis The cell membrane pinches in and eventually divides into two daughter cells.
While creating mnemonics, students are actively engaged with the material that enhances their understanding and retention.
April/3042024/image-(86).jpg" width="1200" height="675" /> HBSE Class 11th Biology Syllabus 2025: Board of School Education Haryana (BSEH), also popularly called HBSE Board is the official education ...