In her memoir "Sociopath," Dr. Patric Gagne details her experience as a psychologist — and how being a sociopath was a ...
But just because you’ve been together for a long time doesn’t mean the relationship has to get stale. Here are some ways to ...
The therapist and best-selling author shares her go-to question for truly connecting with new people (without being nosey).
Part of the childish stratification of moms into "popular moms" and outsiders is a similarly childish judgment placed on ...
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger as a result of domestic violence, call 911. For anonymous, confidential ...
When triggered, a person has an out-of-proportion reaction to something that internally connects to their past (an unresolved ...
Eroticism is not something that just happens between the sheets,” relationship and psychosexual psychotherapist Clare ...
Looking to boost your health over the next two weeks? Try these five holistic wellness changes from nutrition therapist ...
"The Idea of You" centers on a relationship between a divorcée and a boybander. A publicist and therapist discuss whether ...
Many therapists have racked up huge followings on TikTok and patients have mixed feelings. One says, "I was like, 'Is she ...
Although memes are packaged in quippy sayings or observations, at their core, they are still an exchange of ideas, just in a ...
New research suggests much of the credit for the success of psilocybin for treating depression lies in the relationship ...