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What Tofu Is Really Made Of
Tofu is a plant-based protein, so the process of making those spongy white cubes is way more in-depth than you may think.
Looking to up your protein goals and eat simple yet healthy meals? Try this super healthy quinoa tofu dish perfect for just that.
I also opted for a swift stir-fry—in my case, Sarah Jampel’s Black Pepper Tofu and Asparagus. Even more than the verdant ...
Firm, extra firm, silken — there’s a lot of tofu categories to sift through at the grocery store. Knowing how you want to ...
A riff on the Chinese American classic sesame chicken, this sesame tofu recipe has tricks. When I was growing up, a block of tofu was a regular player in our weeknight dinner rotation: diced for ...
Those who claim to dislike tofu simply might not know how to properly prepare and cook it. But those who love tofu know ...
You may have heard of a trick involving freezing tofu that magically transforms it into something palatable. I have some issues with that framing, namely that tofu requires any transformation ...
Stinky tofu is made after soybeans undergo various processes such as sifting, soaking, grinding, filtering, boiling and ...
Mitsuhiro Mihara’s Takano Tofu won two awards including the top Golden Mulberry prize at the closing of Far East Film Festival (FEFF) in Udine, Italy, where the honours were dominated by titles from ...