Simulations show that a slow, shallow impact formed the western half of Pluto's heart - and also shed light on the dwarf ...
The large heart-shaped region may have formed after a massive but slow-moving object collided with Pluto at a strange angle.
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How Pluto Got Its Heart
Pluto’s most recognizable feature is the giant, heart-shaped area in its southern hemisphere. NASA’s New Horizons mission ...
Tombaugh Regio — the large, pale heart that dominates Pluto's terrain — is made of nitrogen ice that accumulated after a huge ...
Astronomers believe a planetary body collided with Pluto early in its history to create a gigantic heart-shaped feature on ...
Advancing knowledge of Pluto’s composition has allowed scientists to model its iconic heart. By entering many variables into ...
On the surface of the dwarf planet Pluto, there's a 1,600-kilometer-wide area covered by a thick layer of nitrogen ice that ...
After years of extensive research, an international team of astrophysicists has uncovered the most likely explanation behind ...
New research suggests that Pluto's mysterious heart-shaped region is the result of a massive smash with another planetary ...
Through computer models, the team learned that a collision in Pluto's ancient history, before it was fully formed, could have ...
W hen NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew past Pluto and its moons in July 2015, it sent back the first close-up photos we ...