This week’s puzzles come from a British game show called The 1% Club, in which contestants compete for money by solving ...
"Many faith-based institutions are stewards of historically significant sites that contribute to New York’s collective ...
Poets' Corner proper is in the eastern aisle, the 'corner', of the south transept, though over time graves and memorials have spread across the whole transept. There are also several clergymen and ...
Rev Canon Phil Batchford and the Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox both donned their clerical robes to abseil inside the historical building. The pair descended into the central transept. Canon Batchford said he ...
It is notable for the coherence of its plan, the beauty of its three-tier interior elevation and the particularly fine display of sculptures on the principal facade and in the south transept.
While picks of all kinds have existed for centuries, this version has become the standard among the Northern Transept Trading Company due to its simple design. In Nightingale, Pick Head is ...
Viollet-le-Duc, didn't like them, and ordered them placed in the side chapels in the 1860s, saving them from the blaze 160 ...
Most of the roof was destroyed; so was the "spirelet" where the nave and the transept cross. The good news: the rebuilt cathedral is expected to reopen in December of this year. Two homemade ...
Cologne Cathedral is a High Gothic five-aisled basilica (144.5 m long), with a projecting transept (86.25 m wide) and a tower façade (157.22 m high). The nave is 43.58 m high and the side-aisles 19.80 ...
On 9 July 1984 the south transept was gutted by flames after lightning struck the roof, resulting in one of the worst cathedral fires in modern times. It caused more than £2.25m of damage and it ...