Progressive pundits have a habit of sticking to the same words and phrases when discussing major issues of the day.
Originally published in 1960, this analysis of all of Locke's publications quickly became established as the standard edition of the Treatises as well as a work of political theory in its own right.
A scribe working in Constantinople handwrites a copy of the Archimedes treatises, including their accompanying diagrams and calculations, onto parchment, which is assembled into a book.
Looking for an examination copy? If you are interested in the title for your course we can consider offering an examination copy. To register your interest please contact ...
A Delaware judge on Tuesday dismissed a shareholder lawsuit asserting novel claims about the roles of corporate leaders and ...
Good morning, it’s Friday, May 3, the day of the week when I offer a quotation meant to be inspiring or elucidating. Today’s words of wisdom, inspired ...
Ross’s “On Death and Dying” sparked a revolution in end-of-life care. But soon she began to deny mortality altogether.
The professor and critic will be remembered for her brilliant books, but teaching brought her genius to the fore.
Find the current listing of available law databases below. Bloomberg Law Provides legal content, dockets, law reviews, and treatises, as well as company/market information and news from Bloomberg News ...
Opinion: This regular feature offers citizens lessons on the founding documents of the United States: Declaration of ...
Ashish Avikunthak is one such filmmaker who explores the medium and its aesthetics. However, he does not want to classify ...
T ilman Singer's Cuckoo is a fun midnight genre romp that works despite its goofiest elements. A mountainous horror film ...