Elida Freidman Goldberg Katzman changed names, families, countries and continents numerous times as she grappled until her ...
Cookbooks are like novels that “leave out all the other stuff,” Laurie Colwin once remarked. “There are many cookbooks by my ...
To better understand the brain's response to music, the research team focused on both syncopation and the beat—syncopation ...
What distinguishes “an American” from “a foreigner”? Unaccented English? The same race? Is it ever acceptable to condescend to someone based on accent, race or class? Can we moderate our ...
But then he goes in the completely opposite direction after that, categorizing the lines that he likes by number of syllables, and whether the syllables are accented or unaccented, and then ...
Curwood started out with a high, screechy slum accent, which contrasted nicely with the low resonant, unaccented voice of his philosophizing self, but which was irritating to the audience.
“I always liked myself better in English,” she says. Toossi’s script handles this duality elegantly: The actors speak unaccented, colloquial English when they’re speaking Farsi; when they ...
They didn’t want that for me, and so I grew up with perfect, unaccented English. I could understand Korean and, as a small child, could speak some. But eventually, I lost that ability.
Oddly, he had made the decision before arriving at our home to become as American as possible during his stay, so his European-style haircut, clothing, and glasses disappeared. He, like many young ...
My encounter with British accents had prepared me to speak clearly articulated, largely unaccented Russian, but my teachers and textbooks did not prepare me for understanding the subtleties of the ...
Since Maskoun’s French is so perfect and unaccented that he’s usually mistaken for a native speaker, people don’t think to stop themselves when they blame refugees for France’s unemployment, big ...