Mashco-Piro tribe live in Manú National Park in south-east Peru Clan is thought to number in the hundreds in area around Diamante Indians live by rigid social code, and regularly kidnap other ...
People often think that we've discovered everything, however, there are many groups who are still uncontacted by the modern ...
It tracks "uncontacted tribes" -- indigenous groups that are thought to have had no contact with outsiders -- and seeks to protect them from encroachment. More than 100 uncontacted tribes remain ...
Why this once isolated tribe took up cell phones and social media Why this once isolated tribe took up cell phones and social media Death stalks the Amazon as tribes and their defenders come under ...
Among these tribes, the Sentinalese were outliers amongst outliers. They were the only remaining “uncontacted” tribe with ...
They had been investigating the criminal assault on Brazil’s second-largest Indigenous territories, the Javari valley, a vast ...
Several bands of Awá nomads—the easternmost isolated, or “uncontacted,” people in the Amazon—roam the woodlands in the core of the territory, living in a state of near-constant flight ...
Their letter follows a similar recent warning from 39 international genocide scholars, who said that if the project goes ...
Indigenous rights campaigners have criticised Brazil’s authorities for leaving surviving members of an uncontacted tribe open ...
A shaman performs a rite of passage on a snow-covered mountaintop. She changes her shape and floats on bird wings into the valley. In a mystical forest, she contacts her non-human ancestors to ...
Environmental degradation has already triggered disease outbreaks in Brazil. The risk of a new emergent zoonotic disease arising there, like COVID-19, is intensified by Bolsonaro’s forest policies.