Beginning in the 1500s, however, Europeans began trapping beavers for their fur—particularly the prized underfur widely used at the time to make felt hats. By the end of the nineteenth century, ...
However, the underfur and a sprinkling of hairs on the ears and feet are gray or brown. The summer coat is yellowish to cinnamon brown above; the chin, tail, and lower parts are white to grayish white ...
Their fur is effectively in two layers: dense underfur, and hollow, transparent guard hairs that appear white as they reflect visible light. Below their skin is a layer of fat up to 4.5 inches thick.
DESCRIPTION: The desert kit fox is a small fox of slender build, exceptionally large ears, heavy underfur(pale bleached gray on top and whitish on the underside ...
Pennsylvania's state animal is the white-tailed deer. Native Americans and settlers relied on them for food and clothing. Today, they continue to flourish in forests across the Commonwealth.
The short muzzle ends in a large nose pad. The glossy guard hairs overlay a short, dense, oily underfur. The general color is brown, darkest on the upper parts but paler and grayish below. The range ...
During summer, the upper parts of the body are reddish brown, and in winter they are grayish brown.Summer coats are composed of short, thin, wiry guard hairs with no underfur. They are shed in ...
With fine warm underfur making up 70% of its coat and furry feet soles, the arctic fox is the best insulated mammal on earth. Fennec foxes live deep in the Sahara Desert and only start to pant ...
With partially webbed feet, dense, insulating underfur, and a taste for fish and crayfish, they are as at home in water as they are on land. They remain active year round and can occupy a variety of ...
European otters have sharp claws, while sea otters have long, muscular tails. They have a very soft underfur which is protected by their outer layer of long guard hair. This traps a layer of air ...
DESCRIPTION: Martens have medium-length glossy fur that ranges from tan to chocolate in color, with a lighter-colored throat patch and underfur and darkly furred legs and tail. The Humboldt martens in ...