His deadly and mysterious weapons, his devices for producing instant fire and light, his wealth of equipment and variety of food seem to these untutored minds to stamp him with divine origin.
Few things in Chinese culture are more widely misunderstood outside of China than the Chinese language. The Chinese write very differently from us and indeed from all other literate societies in today ...
I think Jesus was a teacher, a wise person. He was not a peasant if by peasants you mean someone unlettered and untutored. As a wise man, certainly, Jesus participated in the normal education of a ...
Someone like Lorenzo Dow, who became a phenomenal character in the early republic, was untutored and unlearned and made no bones about that. It was almost a badge of honor not to be educated.
As I mentioned, I had the image of the birth of our own children in mind, and I had the same feeling that you do, that so ...
The world’s most powerful nations and many of the biggest companies are racing to establish themselves as leaders in a ...
A trust offers protections many beneficiaries cannot obtain for themselves from creditor claims, untutored investment choices, overspending and unnecessary taxation. These protections, especially ...
Plato’s allegory of the cave was meant to explain this. In the allegory, he likens people untutored in the Theory of Forms to prisoners chained in a cave, unable to turn their heads. Plato’s ...
Since it is coronation week and we are asked to swear allegiance to a newly-crowned monarch, here’s mine, given without the need of a lawful nudge, to the new king of snooker. How can any not ...
From the Tudor trumpeter John Blanke to the ‘African Mahler’ — the British Library’s Beyond the Bassline exhibition explores ...