National clinical guidelines for the treatment of COVID-19 vary significantly around the world, with under-resourced ...
I tried 5-minute starburst planks every day for one week to see how my side plank game compared to the various other TG plank ...
Structural variation in the genome can directly or indirectly influence gene dosage through different mechanisms, and therefore influence phenotypic variation and disease. The cataloguing of ...
Bread wheat is one of the most important staple crops for millions of people and is apparently the largest cultivated and ...
And this time, there's not a single dragon in sight. The bestselling author's newest, Variation, is coming out this fall and it'll be a departure from her celebrated Empyrean Series. It's being ...
The 67-year-old demonstrated a “mini squat” in the Instagram video.
The cookie chain with the cult-following announced Friday on its social media accounts that starting April 22 you can buy ...
On April 22, McDonald’s will introduce a new variation of its McCrispy sandwich, the Bacon Cajun Ranch McCrispy, at participating restaurants while supplies last. According to the company ...
Two newly discovered genetic variations can have a powerful effect on a person's risk for obesity, a new report says. Variants in the gene BSN, also known as Bassoon, can increase risk of obesity ...
In a landmark study based on one of the most comprehensive genomic datasets ever assembled, a team led by scientists at the ...
National Development Minister Desmond Lee said housing prices are stabilising, despite some quarterly variation. The latest ...
Chennai election officials face confusion in calculating polling percentage due to lack of uniformity in mobile app usage.