Biological Sciences sheds light on how parasites influence the intricate relationships between predator and prey populations.
The silken webs that spiders weave are meant to capture flies and other insects. But it turns out their webs can also trap ...
Possibly the most commonly recognizable aspect of spiders is their silk webs. While most people may hold a generic image of spider webs in their minds -- circular, delicate gossamer-like ...
French photographer Juliette Pavy won Photographer of the Year, for her series on the forced contraception and sterilisation ...
A new study sheds light on how parasites, often overlooked, can dramatically affect the balance between predator and prey populations. Researchers developed a groundbreaking mathematical framework ...
From spiders struggling to make webs in orbit to bats clinging to the outside of the Space Shuttle, the history of animals in ...
A new study published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B sheds light on how parasites influence the intricate ...
The researchers say they were able to use night vision and A.I. to learn how spiders build webs. Don't Miss: Today’s deals: Rare Nintendo Switch discount, $84 Chromebook, $136 standing desk ...
Alaskan waters are a critical fishery for salmon. Complex marine food webs underlie and sustain this fishery, and scientists want to know how climate change is reshaping them. But finding samples ...
Moffett, Mark W. 2000. What's “Up”? A Critical Look at the Basic Terms of Canopy Biology1. Biotropica, Vol. 32, Issue. 4a, p. 569.