It is that time of year again that we encourage growers to begin scouting alfalfa fields for alfalfa weevil pressure. In a ...
IN addition to the persistent and severe dry weather and the South American palm weevil, which have been causing significant ...
The bug, now named the Irish stranger weevil, was first discovered by a conservationist during a night time survey ...
Alfalfa weevil has been an early season pest of the alfalfa forage crop in the Panhandle region reducing hay yield and quality. More recently, insecticide regulation and resistance brought new ...
To address growing concerns about insecticide resistance across the West, the University of Wyoming Extension has released new recommendations for alfalfa weevil management. In a free digital ...
If you're cupboards are due a clear out you might be shocked to find these insects lurking in your ingredients the next time ...
The bug, now named the Irish stranger weevil, was first discovered by a conservationist during a night time survey ...
a root-feeding weevil, Hylobius transversovittatus (commonly known as the loosestrife root weevil) - a weevil that eats ...
The endorsement came a few days late for National Filipino Food Month, which is celebrated every April. Still, President ...
“Knowing that you’re in a little town called Enterprise, Alabama. There’s not much recognition here,” said Cook. “It’s really ...
Joshua Clarke was carrying out a night time survey for Buglife when he came across the colourful creature now named Xenosacalles irlandikos, which loosely translates as the Irish stranger weevil.
Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai declared on Monday that he will start auctioning off the 15,000 tonnes of rice in storage from next week.