In less than eight years, white sharks in South Africa have all but disappeared from their historical hotspots in False Bay ...
THIS IS the moment a “Great White Shark” is spotted off coast of UK beach after terrified beachgoers saw fin in the water.
“The camera tag provides a ‘shark’s-eye’ view and includes sensors that record data on the shark’s movements and environment, ...
Massachusetts-based scientists tagged a great white shark off South Carolina's coast and attached a camera to it which will ...
The creature had the potential to reach up to 30 feet long, making it possibly the largest shark of this type ever to have ...
Brit mum Emily Rushton was left stunned when she supposedly spotted the fin of a Great White shark while on the beach in ...
A 9-foot great white shark pinged off St. George Island Monday. The shark appears to be heading back up north after ...
The beaches in and around Venice are filled with fossilized shark teeth. Here's how to spot them along the coast, best times ...
A mutilated shark captured alive off New York was likely attacked by an even bigger shark, according to the nonprofit ...
The instruments attached to the sharks include depth sensors, so scientists could read when they reached the famous white ...
OFF RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. – A veteran diver got up close and personal with a Great White Shark off the shores of South Florida.
In less than eight years, white sharks in South Africa have all but disappeared from their historical hotspots in False Bay and Gansbaai, on the Western Cape coast. These areas were once known as the ...