Cometary globules are a special type of Bok Globules that have been known since 1976. But even after 50 years, they remain extremely difficult to observe. The reason for this is that the gas and dust ...
Wriggling critters armed with enzymes can break down plastics that would otherwise take decades, or even centuries to degrade ...
It's invasive, harmful and can regenerate from a tiny piece of its body — it's the hammerhead land planarian, and its been ...
Hammerhead worms, which can produce a known paralyzing toxin, have been sighted in some ecospaces across Ontario is recent ...
To safely fly when it’s cold out, special fluid has to be sprayed on planes. And it creates a lot of waste. So Tri-Cities ...
As an undergraduate student in The University of Texas at Arlington's Honors College, Hannah Selvarathinam knew she wanted to ...
Osedax worms, or the ‘bone eating’ worms are little soft sacks resembling snotty little flowers. The “bone devourer” is now ...
A special citizen science project is being launched across the nation to help nature, and everyone can join in.
Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting both increase longevity in animals, aging experts say. Here’s what that means ...
Three iNaturalist users recently reported hammerhead worm sightings in and around Hamilton. The citizen science tool allows ...
Pigbutt worms eat marine snow — tiny particles of dead animals, feces and other organic matter. As the "snow" falls toward the seabed, the worm "casts out a web of snot" to catch it, according ...
For her study, Selvarathinam leveraged the fact that worms have similarities in their genes to humans and predictable behaviors that are easy to study. She proceeded to optimize an experi-mental ...