It is often dubbed as a silent killer because it typically doesn't produce overt symptoms until it triggers severe health complications such as heart disease or stroke. Let's look out for the signs ...
These may appear smooth and a normal skin colour, and can also appear on the Achilles tendon. Skin specialists at Derm Net explain: "Tendon xanthomas (tendinous xanthoma) are slowly enlarging ...
They may also have cholesterol deposits (xanthomas) visible under the skin or built up in tendons. PCSK9 mutations can either activate or inactivate its action, raising or lowering plasma LDL ...
Skin specialists at Derm Net explain: “Tendon xanthomas (tendinous xanthoma) are slowly enlarging subcutaneous nodules usually found attached to the Achilles tendon or tendons over the knuckles.
Eruptive xanthomas are small, yellowish skin bumps caused by high blood lipid levels. They are often seen in conditions like cirrhosis, in which the liver has difficulty processing fats ...
Skin specialists at Derm Net explain: "Tendon xanthomas (tendinous xanthoma) are slowly enlarging subcutaneous nodules usually found attached to the Achilles tendon or tendons over the knuckles.
FH LDL-R, diminished LDL-C clearance Heterozygotes: xanthomas on the extensor tendons of the hands and feet, arcus corneae and premature CVD; TC: 250-500 mg/dl (LDL-C>135 mg/dl) Homozygotes ...
Here are five indicators that your cholesterol levels might be high High cholesterol clogs up your heart's blood pipes, causing chest pain (angina) and weird heartbeats (palpitations) because less ...