I might like to think of my body as a thing of bone and blood and tissue and water, but as I recently learned, it’s also a thing of plastic—home to an alarming amount of plastic toxins known ...
Wriggling critters armed with enzymes can break down plastics that would otherwise take decades, or even centuries to degrade. At first glance there's nothing particularly remarkable about ...
From takeout containers to water bottles, plastic seems unavoidable in our daily lives. Now, two new studies have found that we’re eating and drinking more plastic than we might have realized ...
Every year, companies produce more than 400 million metric tons of plastic. Some of that plastic spills onto waterways or beaches, clogging streams or floating in huge gyres in the ocean. Some of ...
1 in 3 Americans say they’ve reduced how much plastic they’re using Women, people in households making more than $50,000 annually, and college graduates were more likely to report a decrease ...
OTTAWA, April 30 (Reuters) - Negotiations on a future global treaty to tackle soaring plastic pollution ran overtime into Tuesday morning amid tense debates over whether the world should seek to ...
Countries are under pressure to make progress on a first-ever global plastics treaty this week, but they face tense negotiations in the Canadian capital with parties deeply divided over what the ...
To stop plastic reaching the ocean, a start-up in Ecuador is using a conveyor belt to skim off and remove plastic from rivers – and working to stop polluters adding plastic to rivers in the ...
On the eve of an international meeting to debate a global treaty on plastic pollution, Earth Day 2024 on Monday highlighted the planet's growing problem with plastics in events ranging from beach ...
New legislation in Hong Kong has banned Styrofoam products and single-use plastic cutlery. Under the new law, single-use cutlery like forks, spoons, straws and plates cannot be sold or distributed ...
The column on recycling, Tee Cee’s Tip, on April 15 reminded us that plastic bags will be completely banned in Colorado on June 1 per the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act. It also reminded me of ...