A Russian Telegram channel has claimed that Bashar al Assad may have been poisoned, sparking online speculation about the ...
wanted a divorce and to leave Russia. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov also rejected Turkish media reports which suggested that Assad had been confined to Moscow and had his property assets frozen.
Assad, who Russia says is now living in asylum in Moscow with his family, released the statement on Monday via the Syrian presidency’s Telegram channel. Russia says Assad is now living in Moscow ...
President Vladimir Putin says Russia ... fled to the Russian capital, but that he “will definitely talk to him” and planned to meet him in Moscow. He mentioned he would ask al-Assad about ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin Thursday rejected the notion that the ouster of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad represented a defeat for Russia. Putin said during his annual news conference that ...
But when Hmeimim came under heavy drone attacks, the Russians decided he should leave for Moscow. The Russian military representative denied that Assad or any members of his government or family ...