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DIRECTV Genie 2 DVR Genie Server Receiver (HS17)
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DIRECTVs Genie 2 DVR, also referred to as Genie Server, is the next generation Genie DVR. It provides breakthrough features, sophisticated integration, and enhanced customer experience. The Genie 2 satellite receiver has no connection or output to a TV and is dedicated to providing services to its Genie clients like Genie Mini and Wireless Genie Mini receivers. Key Features: Up to 7 HD simultaneous streams including 2-4K streams (5-HD + 2-4K) 2TB of Storage (450 hours of HD content) No need for external Genie Go or Wireless Video Bridge, seamless access to content on the go Because the Genie 2 is not connected to a TV, its required that each TV have a client or be a DIRECTV-Ready Smart TV. DIRECTV recommends that all users upgrade to Reverse-Band capable dishes with a Genie 2 install. While the Genie 2 will work with an older dish or multiswitch, some functions may be disabled. It is better to upgrade now. Standard-definition only dishes will not work with the Genie 2. F