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Latex-Ite Airport Grade Black Asphalt Driveway Filler and Sealer 4.75 gal
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  • Looks great on completion
  • Affordable price
  • Quick absorption
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Latex-Ite Airport Grade Black Asphalt Driveway Filler and Sealer 4.75 gal

Users say:
Latex.ite Airport Grade is a great product for sealing driveways, as it is easy to apply and provides a durable seal. However, some customers have experienced issues with the product, such as flaking off or not lasting winter months. Additionally, some customers have found that the product can be difficult to apply and can be difficult to remove.
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Latexite Airport Grade Driveway Filler Sealer is an asphalt emulsion based driveway sealer designed to beautify and protect your driveway. Airport Grade is an advanced formula that contains polymer additives for strength and flexibility.
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Latex.ite Airport Grade is a great product for sealing driveways, as it is easy to apply and provides a durable seal. However, some customers have experienced issues with the product, such as flaking off or not lasting winter months. Additionally, some customers have found that the product can be difficult to apply and can be difficult to remove.
  • Looks great on completion
  • Affordable price
  • Quick absorption
  • Inconsistent durability
  • Flakes off in certain conditions
  • May not weather well
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Latexite Airport Grade Driveway Filler Sealer is an asphalt emulsion based driveway sealer designed to beautify and protect your driveway. Airport Grade is an advanced formula that contains polymer additives for strength and flexibility.