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Televes Ellipse Mix Amplified TV Antenna - LTE Ready (148883)
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Televes Ellipse Mix Amplified TV Antenna - LTE Ready (148883)

The Ellipse Mix is an advanced over the air TV antenna that automatically adapts its gain in real time to optimize the reception of television signals, ensuring the optimum level of signal is delivered at all times. This latest repack-ready version has been completely redesigned from the ground up for the new US broadcast frequencies, filtering …
The Ellipse Mix is an advanced over the air TV antenna that automatically adapts its gain in real time to optimize the reception of television signals, ensuring the optimum level of signal is delivered at all times. This latest repack-ready version has been completely redesigned from the ground up for the new US broadcast frequencies, filtering any interfering 5G signals above 608MHz, and providing independent amplification for the VHF and UHF bands. The antenna is able to receive very weak signals while at the same time avoiding overload caused by very strong signals. The Ellipse Mix is a high gain directional antenna designed to offer stable and high quality reception of High VHF and UHF only (RF channels 7-36) in mid to long-range receiving scenarios despite continuous changes in weather and transmitting conditions thanks to its exclusive and intelligent built-in TForce amplifier.The Televes proprietary triple boom design ensures maximum raw gain in a compact and install friendly fo
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The Ellipse Mix is an advanced over the air TV antenna that automatically adapts its gain in real time to optimize the reception of television signals, ensuring the optimum level of signal is delivered at all times. This latest repack-ready version has been completely redesigned from the ground up for the new US broadcast frequencies, filtering any interfering 5G signals above 608MHz, and providing independent amplification for the VHF and UHF bands. The antenna is able to receive very weak signals while at the same time avoiding overload caused by very strong signals. The Ellipse Mix is a high gain directional antenna designed to offer stable and high quality reception of High VHF and UHF only (RF channels 7-36) in mid to long-range receiving scenarios despite continuous changes in weather and transmitting conditions thanks to its exclusive and intelligent built-in TForce amplifier.The Televes proprietary triple boom design ensures maximum raw gain in a compact and install friendly fo